Phenomenal Phoods

Self Rising Cinnamon Rolls


For the cinnamon rolls For the cream cheese glaze


For the cinnamon rolls
  1. Whisk together the milk, sugar, melted butter, and egg until combined.
  2. Stir in the flour until a dough forms. The dough will be fairly sticky. Add an additional 1/4 - 1/2 cup if needed to be able to roll it out.
  3. Line a 9 x 13 pan with parchment paper. Use some butter or cooking spray on the bottom of the pan to keep the parchment paper in the pan. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. if baking right away.
  4. Combine the brown sugar and cinnamon.
  5. Roll out your prepared dough on a floured surface until it forms a rectangle that is about 18 x 24 inches. It should be about 1/4 inch thick. The dough will be slightly sticky so use plenty of flour for rolling.
  6. Spread the softened butter all over the dough in an even layer.
  7. Sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar mixture.
  8. Starting on the long edge, roll tightly so that the seam is on the bottom.
  9. Cut into 12 slices and arrange slightly apart in your prepared baking pan.
  10. At this point, you can cover the cinnamon rolls and refrigerate overnight to bake in the morning or bake immediately.
  11. Bake for 25-30 minutes. You don’t want them to feel doughy when you tap them or when you insert a toothpick. You can also go by temperature – they should be about 190 degrees F. on the inside. Frost immediately.
For the cream cheese glaze
  1. Use a mixer to beat the cream cheese until smooth and fluffy.
  2. Add the other ingredients and mix until well combined and a consistency that can be drizzled out of a ziploc bag with the corner cut off. Add additional milk or water it seems too thick or powdered sugar if it seems too runny. Drizzle over warm cinnamon rolls and serve immediately.